The attached list shows our general species list of indigenous plants of the Adelaide coast, plains and foothills. We are continually adding new species, so please contact us if the species you want is not listed. We can assist with species selection for any project around the Adelaide region.
We have a rotating stock year-round depending on species growing seasons. We are typically ahead of the planting time so that when we have them in stock they will thrive once planted. All our plants are raised from seeds or cuttings collected locally and so are perfectly adapted to our local climate and soils.
Atriplex semibaccata | berry saltbush | prostrate herb |
Atriplex suberecta | lagoon saltbush | prostrate herb |
Billardiera cymosa | sweet appleberry | climber |
Carpobrotus rossii | karkalla | groundcover |
Clematis microphylla | old man’s beard | climber |
Convolvulus remotus | Australian bindweed | groundcover/climber |
Disphyma crassifolium | round-leaved pigface | groundcover |
Einadia nutans | climbing saltbush | climber |
Eremophila glabra | common emubush | groundcover |
Glycine clandestina | twining glycine | climber |
Halgania cyanea | rough halgania | groundcover |
Hardenbergia violacea | native lilac | climber |
Kennedia prostrata | running postman | ground creeper |
Kunzea pomifera | muntries | groundcover |
Marsilea drummondii | nardoo | wetland ground creeper |
Muehlenbeckia gunnii | native sarsparilla | climber |
Myoporum parvifolium | creeping boobialla | groundcover |
Samolus repens | creeping brookweed | ground creeper |
Scaevola albida | small-fruited fan-flower | groundcover |
Tetragonia implexicoma | bower spinach | prostrate shrub/climber |
Threlkeldia diffusa | coast bonefruit | groundcover |