Retail stocklist for September 2024

Hi everyone, here is an updated stock list.

We frequently change stock, so this is what we currently have available to our retail customers. (PDF version: Provenance Indigenous Plants Stocklist 2024-09-02.)

We look forward to seeing you there.

Height Category New Scientific Name Common name Size
1. GROUNDCOVERS & CLIMBERS Atriplex semibaccata berry saltbush prostrate herb
1. GROUNDCOVERS & CLIMBERS Billardiera cymosa sweet apple berry climber
1. GROUNDCOVERS & CLIMBERS Carpobrotus rossii karkalla groundcover
1. GROUNDCOVERS & CLIMBERS Centella cordifolia swamp pennywort wetland ground cover
1. GROUNDCOVERS & CLIMBERS Dichondra repens Kidney-weed damp ground cover
1. GROUNDCOVERS & CLIMBERS Eremophila glabra Roseworthy form sunset emu bush (p.) groundcover
1. GROUNDCOVERS & CLIMBERS Goodenia varia sticky goodenia low spreading shrub
1. GROUNDCOVERS & CLIMBERS Hardenbergia violacea native lilac climber
1. GROUNDCOVERS & CLIMBERS Kennedia prostrata running postman ground creeper
1. GROUNDCOVERS & CLIMBERS Ranunculus amphitrichus small river buttercup wetland ground creeper
1. GROUNDCOVERS & CLIMBERS Scaevola calendulacea dune fan-flower groundcover
1. GROUNDCOVERS & CLIMBERS Selliera radicans shiny swamp-mat wetland ground cover
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Arthropodium strictum chocolate lily knee high lily
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Austrostipa spp. spear grass waist high tussock grass
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Cymbopogon ambiguus lemon-scented grass knee high tussock grass
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Cyperus gymnocaulos spiny flat-sedge waist high wetland sedge
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Cyperus vaginatus flat sedge wetland rush to 1.5m
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Dianella brevicaulis short stem flax lily knee to waist high rush
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Dianella revoluta black anther flax lily knee to waist high rush
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Dichanthium sericeum silky blue-grass knee high grass
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Ficinia nodosa knobby club-rush waist high sedge
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Gahnia filum chaffy saw-sedge waist high sedge
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Gahnia seiberiana red-fruit saw-sedge wetland sedge to waist high
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Juncus kraussii sea rush waist high wetland sedge
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Juncus pallidus pale rush waist high wetland sedge
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Juncus subsecundus finger rush knee high wetland sedge
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Lomandra leucocephala woolly mat-rush knee high sedge
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Lomandra longifolia basket grass lily to waist high
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Lomandra multiflora stiff mat rush knee high sedge
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Poa labillardierei common tussock grass thigh high tussock grass
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Poa poiformis coastal tussock grass knee high tussock grass
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Schoenoplectus validus river club rush head high wetland rush
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Themeda triandra kangaroo grass waist high tussock grass
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Xanthorrhoea quadrangulata Mount Lofty grass-tree trunk to 2m tall
2. GRASSES & SEDGES Xanthorrhoea semiplana grass-tree trunk to 1m tall
3. SMALL SHRUBS Apium prostratum sea parsley low spreading shrub
3. SMALL SHRUBS Atriplex vesicaria bladder saltbush shrub to 0.7 m
3. SMALL SHRUBS Coronidium scorpioides button everlasting knee high shrub
3. SMALL SHRUBS Correa alba white correa chest high shrub
3. SMALL SHRUBS Correa glabra rock correa waist high shrub
3. SMALL SHRUBS Correa pulchella salmon correa waist high shrub
3. SMALL SHRUBS Correa reflexa common correa waist high shrub
3. SMALL SHRUBS Eryngium ovinum blue devil knee high herb
3. SMALL SHRUBS Goodenia amplexans clasping goodenia waist high shrub
4. LARGE SHRUBS Goodenia ovata hop goodenia waist to head high shrub
3. SMALL SHRUBS Goodenia pinnatifida scrambled eggs shin high shrub
3. SMALL SHRUBS Linum marginale native flax shin high herb
3. SMALL SHRUBS Lotus australis southern lotus/Austral trefoil knee high herb
3. SMALL SHRUBS Pelargonium australe native pelargonium shin high herb
3. SMALL SHRUBS Pycnosorus globosus billy buttons knee high shrub
3. SMALL SHRUBS Ranunculus lappaceus common buttercup shin high herb
3. SMALL SHRUBS Rhagodia parabolica fragrant saltbush waist high shrub
3. SMALL SHRUBS Halosarcia spp. beaded glasswort knee high shrub
3. SMALL SHRUBS Thomasia petalocalyx paper flower thigh high shrub
3. SMALL SHRUBS Vittadinia blackii western New Holland daisy shin high herb
3. SMALL SHRUBS Wahlenbergia stricta tall bluebell knee high herb
4. LARGE SHRUBS Acacia acinacea gold dust wattle shrub to 2m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Acacia dodonaeifolia hop bush wattle shrub/tree, 2-6m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Acacia notabilis notable wattle shrub, 3-4m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Acacia nyssophylla spine bush wide shrub, 2 x 3m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Acacia victoreae elegant wattle shrub/tree, 2-5m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Allocasuarina muelleriana slaty sheoak shrub to 2m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Atriplex nummularia marsh/old man saltbush shrub to 2m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Dodonaea viscosa sticky hop bush upright shrub to 3m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Eremophila glabra common emu bush shrub to 1.5m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Hakea carinata erect hakea shrub 1.5-3m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Leptospermum continentale prickly tea-tree shrub, 1-2m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Leptospermum lanigerum Silky tea tree shrub/tree, 3m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Melaleuca acuminata mallee honey myrtle shrub, 2-4m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Melaleuca brevifolia white flowering paperbark shrub, 3-5m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Melaleuca decussata totem poles shrub 2-4m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Melaleuca uncinata broombush shrub 2-4m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Myoporum petiolatum sticky boobialla shrub, 1-2m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Olearia axillaris coast daisy bush shrub, 1-2m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Olearia ramulosa twiggy daisy bush shrub to 1.5m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Pultenaea daphnoides large-leaved bush-pea shrub, 1-3m
4. LARGE SHRUBS Senna artemisioides punty bush/silver cassia shrub, 1-2m
5. TREES Acacia salicina native willow tree 5-15m
5. TREES Callitris gracilis native pine tree, 5-10m
5. TREES Eucalyptus largiflorens river box tree, 6-20m
5. TREES Eucalyptus leucoxylon SA blue gum large tree, 8-30m
5. TREES Eucalyptus socialis red mallee mallee tree, 4-8m
5. TREES Melaleuca lanceolata moonah bushy tree, 3-8m
6. NON-INDIGENOUS NATIVES Acacia lineata streaked wattle shrub 1-3m
6. NON-INDIGENOUS NATIVES Alyogyne huegelii purple native/lilac hibiscus head high shrub
6. NON-INDIGENOUS NATIVES Callistemon brachyandrus prickly bottlebrush shrub 1-3m
6. NON-INDIGENOUS NATIVES Calothamnus quadrifidus common netbush shrub to 2m
6. NON-INDIGENOUS NATIVES Eucalyptus petiolaris Eyre Peninsula blue gum tree, 8-15m
6. NON-INDIGENOUS NATIVES Westringia fruiticosa coastal rosemary shrub to head high